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Rocky Horrow Picture Show Shadow Cast

Saturday October 19, 2024 8:00 pm
The Beltonian Theatre219 E Central AveBelton TX 76513(254) 831-3161
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What is a Shadow cast? This tradition actually seems to have originated with the ever dedicated fans of The Rocky Horror Picture Show! A shadow cast is an ensemble of artists that act out the movie while it is playing; often times dancing and singing live. They also serve as the catalysts for the audience cues to participate in callbacks and use their props.

Let your hair down and enjoy this all-time cult classic movie back on the BIG SCREEN where it belongs. Costumes are encouraged but not required. 

They will have kits for sale at the theatre! You are not allowed to bring in your own kit or items for everyone's safety. Are you quivering with antici.........pation! Audience participation is encouraged.

Full menu of Food, Beer, Wine, Margaritas, and Concessions will be available.


Best for adults

Movie is rated R.




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