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Safe Apps For Kids: Kinzoo Empowers Kids to Connect, Create & Learn

Real mom reviews of three Kinzoo apps

By Macaroni KID July 25, 2023

Navigating the digital world as a parent is a complex task, to say the least. So we're always happy to share when we find apps that empower kids to connect safely with family and friends while also exploring their creativity.

Our latest find that we're excited to share: Kinzoo!

Kinzoo is dedicated to building an online world where children can safely play, create, learn, and engage with family and friends. We asked three internet safety-conscious Macaroni KID moms with tweens and teens to try out Kinzoo apps and share their thoughts. Here's what they told us.


About the app: Kinzoo Together is an interactive video-calling platform with games, stories, and activities built right in. Long-distance family members can play, read, laugh, and grow meaningful relationships — no matter how far apart they are. This subscription-based platform comes pre-loaded with hundreds of books, and you can scan and upload your own. Or explore the collection of Topics during your call, including interactive activities that dive deep into the things kids love. Learn all about the planets, dinosaurs, and planes together!

Brigette Schroeder's daughter uses Kinzoo Together to connect with her grandfather for storytime.

The parent review: Kinzoo Together is by far my favorite video chat app we have used. It ticks my boxes for safety and monitoring while the girls are on the internet, and it is fun and still "cool" to use for my tween kids.

Kinzoo Together was very user-friendly for both my kids and my family, even my 81-year-old father! Having an app that connects my kids to family and loved ones quickly and easily makes the distance seem shorter. Our family members really enjoy seeing their faces light up while the girls are telling them the tales of their day or special events — something you don't get from just a phone call. 

The ease of use and the fact that I have to approve and can monitor the connections my children have online makes this a great choice for our family.

—Brigette Schroeder, mom to kids ages 9 and 10
Publisher of Macaroni KID Yorkville - Geneva - St. Charles, Ill.


About the app: Kinzoo Messenger is an all-ages messenger where family and friends come together to make memories, share experiences, and have fun—all in a safe and private app designed with kids’ well-being in mind. Features include messages, group chats, video calls, interactive activities, mini-games, face filters, stickers, and wallpapers. Original content in the Paths Center gives kids the chance to follow choose-your-own-adventure-style stories, daily jokes, NASA space content, and more.

Brittany Joyner's son plays games and chats with his grandma, and talks with his cousin on video with Kinzoo Messenger.

The parent review: I love that Kinzoo Messenger allows my child to safely text me and family without worrying about him accidentally talking to strangers. Kinzoo Messenger has been the perfect way for him to feel close and connected with extended family without needing to get him a phone.

He can even play games on Kinzoo Messenger — Nate was most impressed by the Drawn Together game. He's never played anything like it and loved that it involved interacting with his grandma. 

I loved the extensive parental controls. That, combined with the fun games and educational/entertainment aspects, make Kinzoo Messenger a standout from other messaging apps.

—Brittany Joyner, mom to 8-year-old
Publisher of Macaroni KID Kennewick-Richland, Wash.


About the app: Kinzoo Studio is a story-builder platform that introduces kids to animation and unleashes their creative potential. Users can create their own characters, add them to different backgrounds and easily export their stories and video files. With millions of clothing options and a range of skin tones, hairstyles and expressions, kids can design characters as unique as they are—their imagination is the only limit. 

Courtney Pavone's son created a fun story about a dog on Kinzoo Studio.

The parent review: Kinzoo Studio is an open-ended, creative "toy" for kids, particularly great for children like my son, who likes to keep busy, but isn't into traditional toys. My son loved making his own cartoons on his phone — creating his own characters, designing their faces, and really individualizing the cartoon. It was engaging and wholesome fun. To have a tool like Kinzoo Studio at your fingertips, where kids of all ages can create their own animated shorts, is phenomenal…. and it may even inspire kids to pursue a career in animation or graphic arts. My son loves anything creative, and the Kinzoo Studio App is 100% creative!

—Courtney Pavone, mom to 12-year-old
Publisher of Macaroni KID Central San Diego, Calif.

Discover for yourself how Kinzoo apps are revolutionizing the digital world for kids, while providing a safe and engaging platform for connection, creativity, and learning! Get Kinzoo now:

Kinzoo Together | Kinzoo MessengerKinzoo Studio