  Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  

Meet Your Publisher for MacaroniKID Killeen, TX

Sign up now to get your FREE weekly calendar of family-friendly events for Killeen, TX

By Brittany Joyner September 4, 2023

Welcome to MacaroniKID Killeen!

Want to know what to expect from MacaroniKID Killeen? 

You will find a complete calendar of Killeen, Belton, and Temple event listings; and as we build up our local content, articles featuring everything from local businesses my family loves to lists of the best playgrounds around. You'll also find fun crafts, family-friendly recipes, and ideas for at-home family fun.

My goal? Make MacaroniKID Killeen THE go-to source for you to find your family fun in Killeen, Belton, and Temple!

Best of all: You can receive a FREE weekly newsletter delivered to your email inbox every Thursday full of local events and stories -- guaranteeing you won't ever miss a thing! All you have to do is sign up here to start getting your free weekly calendar of events for Killeen, Belton, and Temple.

About me

I am a momma to the sweetest 8 year old. We've been in the area for the past ten years and love it! When we're not going, going, going, I love to cook, do puzzles while I binge something on Netflix, hike, and connect with other mamas. I spent the past ten years working in special education and behavioral therapy and loved it, but I'm ready to slow down a bit! I'm always looking to learn more about child development/psychology, Montessori, and food so you'll definitely see tons of nature-based kids activities and new recipes I'm testing!

About MacaroniKID

MacaroniKID Killeen is part of a national organization that includes local publishers in nearly 500 towns across the United States and Canada. 

In 2020, Macaroni Kid merged forces with CertifiKID, a nationally recognized website that offers discounts on kids' activities and family experiences. This merger means that down the road, you'll find not only the best local content, but also deals on family-friendly attractions, events, and experiences.

Ready to join our MacaroniKID family?

Here's what to do:

  • Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter here to be the first to know what's happening around Killeen, Belton, and Temple. 
  • Follow us on Facebook for the latest on family fun here.
  • Check the MacaroniKID Killeen website any time to Find Your Family Fun in Killeen, TX!
  • Share with friends and family! Know others with kids in the area? Share MacaroniKID Killeen with them to help us continue to grow!

Thanks for your support and for allowing me to help you find your family fun in Killeen, TX!

Peace, love, and macaroni,

Brittany Joyner- Your MacaroniKID Killeen Publisher

Are you a business owner interested in partnering with MacaroniKID Killeen? Contact me today at